
what does crash and burn mean

what does crash and burn mean
Phrase meaning to have a spectacular failure or fall from grace. Considered to 

have originated from losing an aerial dogfight. 

Sometimes accompanied with hand gestures and sound effects of a crashing, burning airplane.
I just asked that woman at the bar for her phone number but I crashed and burned. 

She tried to tell a witty joke at the dinner party but her mother-in-law was actually born in Ireland so it crashed and burned.To really screw up one's life by making bad choices often accompanied by substance abuse.
"Dude, if you don't stop doing crack you're going to crash and burn."to go to sleep instantly and sleep hard. An extension of the meaning 'crash'.
I crammed1. 塞入, 填塞2. 塞满3. (为考试而)死记硬背功课, 临时准备应考
1. (为考试而)死记硬背 all night, after the test i'm going home to crash and burn.2. To have sex with someone, and dump them the nex day.
"Dude... I seriosuly digged this chick.. but she was such a drag. I crash and burned her."

