It is a pity that our city did not enroll college graduate students as village officials these recent years. Perhaps there would be no chance for it this year again.
CintaNotes -a light-weight note-taking software
It is not interesting niche product! Though it is not hot like similar notebook applications such as Evernote. CintaNote is another choice for you if you love clipping from the web with a simple text file. It can export notes as Unicode txt which can be used on mobile devices and eink reader with no gibberish letters. With CintaNote, clipping on the web become so convenient that you do not need to install any browser extension to do the work. Whatever browser you are using, you can select any parts of the paragraphs with a simple keyboard shortcut 'ctrl+F12'. Furthermore, you can easily import the txt files to Evernote if you like.
I should chant Earth Store Sutra sincerely for my mother... Many diseases are due to evil karma from our past deeds. In order to keep healthy and live a long life, one should first of all learn to live in a healthy way. We also need to keep in mind that the rule of cause and effect is ubiquitous in our life. If we do not try to live in a wise way, we will pay our folly's price later in the future. One' s physical disease is somewhat affected by one' s own heart. If you feel despaired or are angry towards somebody else all day, chances are that you may not eat or sleep well , you may not have a healthy mood for your work, that is the effect of the cause. So we should be cautious to do no evil and follow the path of good deeds everyday in our life.
The hot and sticky weather is hard to bear even though I stay at home. What a torture it would be for those who must go outside doing business or such! My mom feels not very well today. This has happened twice this year. Illness came all of a sudden. Health is so precious that even a young man would feel no comfortable feelings when he feels sick. So it is very important for young people to make provisions of the health. Any behavior spoiling your own body will bear bitter fruit later in your life.
原字 标准注音 同音字 原句 备注
忉 dāo 刀 忉利天
迦 jiā 加 释迦牟尼
牟 móu 谋 释迦牟尼
乐 yào 要 知苦乐法 在此读"要"音
遣 qiǎn 浅 各遣侍者
侍 shì 市 各遣侍者
般若 bōrě 波惹 大般若光明云
昧 mèi 妹 大三昧光明云
檀 tán 谈 檀波罗密音
羼 chàn 忏 羼提波罗密音
毗 pí 皮 毗离耶波罗密音
耶 yé 爷 毗离耶波罗密音
娑 suō 蓑 娑婆世界 不读"沙"
率 shuài帅 兜率陀天
梵 fàn 饭 梵众天
醯 xī 西 摩醯首罗天
啖 dàn 旦 啖血鬼王
摄 shè 设 摄毒鬼王
兴 xīng 星 未免兴谤
瞻 zhān 占 或瞻礼
镂 lòu 漏 彩画刻镂
塑 sù 素 塑漆形像
堕 duò 舵 永不堕恶道
那 nuó 挪 那由他不可说劫 不读"拿"
祇 qí 奇 阿僧祇劫 不读"只"
华 huā 花 广求香华 佛经中"华"均读此音 即通假字
倘 tǎng 傥 倘来问佛 也写作"傥"
愍 mǐn 敏 愿佛慈愍
沸 fèi 肺 其水涌沸
攫 jué 觉 复自搏攫
稽 qǐ 起 稽首来迎 此处不读"鸡"
嗣 sì 寺 无人继嗣为作功德
讫 qì 气 俱同生讫
弘 hóng 红 立弘誓愿
耨 nòu 阿耨多罗三藐三菩提
藐 miǎo 秒 阿耨多罗三藐三菩提 不读"貌"
宰 zǎi 载 或现宰辅身
塞 sè 色 优婆塞
涕 tì 替 涕泪哀恋
涅盘 nièpán 聂盘 至涅盘乐
渧 dī 低 一毛一渧
玷 diàn 店 玷污僧尼 不读"占"
伽 qié 茄 或伽蓝内
恣 zì 自 恣行淫欲
诳 kuáng 狂 欺诳白衣
匝 zā 扎 其狱城周匝八万余里
彻 chè 撤 上火彻下
拽 yè 叶 拖拽罪人
戟 jǐ 己 执大铁戟
啖 dàn 旦 复有铁鹰啖罪人目
锉 cuò 错 抽肠锉斩
烊 yáng 洋 烊铜灌口
碓 duì 对 碓磨锯凿 不读"锥"
凿 záo 早(阳平)碓磨锯凿 亦可读"做"
斫 zhuó 浊 锉斫镬汤
镬 huò 或 锉斫镬汤
羌 qiāng 枪 羌胡夷狄 不读"姜"
狄 dí 笛 羌胡夷狄
嘱 zhǔ 主 我今又蒙佛付嘱
饶 ráo 绕(阳平)饶益众生
鳖 biē 憋 唯好食啖鱼鳖之属
哽咽 gěngyè 梗业 哽咽悲啼
劝 劝 ☆令一弹指间 quàn 券
弹 tán 谈 劝令一弹指间
乐 yào 要 愿乐欲闻
殃 yāng 央 说宿殃短命报
眷 juàn 倦 说眷属斗诤报
诤 zhèng 政 说眷属斗诤报
瞋 chēn 抻 若遇瞋恚者
恚 huì 会 若遇瞋恚者
陋 lòu 漏 说丑陋癃残报
癃 lóng 龙 说丑陋癃残报
悭 qiān 千 若遇悭吝者 不读"坚"
吝 lìn 赁 若遇悭吝者
畋 tián 田 若遇畋猎恣情者
悖 bèi 贝 若遇悖逆父母者
挞 tà 榻 鞭挞现受报 不读"达"
雏 chú 除 若遇网捕生雏者 不读"邹"
喑 yīn 阴 说盲聋喑哑报
诬 wū 污 若遇污梵诬僧者
递 dì 弟 说轮回递偿报 不读"涕"
偿 cháng 常 说轮回递偿报 不读"赏"
斋 zhāi 摘 若遇破戒犯斋者 不读"齐"
禽 说☆兽饥饿报 qín 琴
阙 quē 缺 说所求阙绝报
邃 suì 岁 其山黑邃无日月光
鈇 fū 夫 名曰铁鈇 不读"铁"
纤 xiān 先 纤毫受之 不读"千"
歧 qí 其 歧路各别 不读"支"
蒺藜 jílí 及梨 纯飞蒺藜
攒 cuán 窜(阳平)多攒火枪 不读"赞"
骡 luó 萝 或有地狱尽驾铁骡
缯 zēng 增采 缯彩
幢幡 chuángfān 床翻 "幢"不读"童"
顷 qǐng 请 食顷之间 不读"项"
辄 zhé 哲 不令恶事辄闻其耳
横 hèng 恒(去)何况亲受诸横
魇寐 yǎnmèi 演妹 或多魇寐共鬼神游
尪瘵 wāngzhài 汪债 转复尪瘵 后者不读"祭"
惨凄 cǎnqī 参(上)妻 惨凄不乐者
偈 jì 技 或一偈一句者
履 lǚ 吕 如履泥途 不读"覆"
慎 shèn 甚 临终之日慎勿杀害
祭 jì 计 拜祭鬼神
魍魉 wǎngliǎng 往两 求诸魍魉
冥 míng 明 冥冥游神
痴 chī 吃 如痴如聋
诣 yì 意 俱诣忉利 不读"旨"
耗 hào 号 主耗鬼王
魅 mèi 妹 主魅鬼王
祁 qí 其 祁利叉王
那 nuó 挪 阿那吒王
吒 zhā 渣 阿那吒王 不读"托"
倦 juàn 卷 不辞疲倦
蚖 yuán 元 蚖蛇蝮蝎
蝮 fù 付 蚖蛇蝮蝎
咄 duō 多 咄哉男子 不读"出"
携 xí 希 提携接手 也可读"协"
邑 yì 易 城邑聚落
敕 chì 赤 敕诸小鬼
弦 xián 贤 歌乐弦管
拘 jū 居 拘留孙佛
盘 pán 盘 吾即涅盘
祇 qí 奇 无量阿僧祇劫 不读"只"
顷 qǐng 请 一弹指顷 不读"项"
吼 hǒu 号狮子吼如来
毗 pí 皮 号毗婆尸佛
幢 chuáng 床 号袈裟幢如来 "幢"不读"童"
校 jiào 较 布施校量功德轻重 此处不读"效"
癃 lóng 龙 癃残喑哑
喑 yīn 阴 癃残喑哑
慰 wèi 位 软言慰谕
谕 yù 雨 软言慰谕
殷 yīn 阴 发殷重心
龛 kān 刊 作其龛室
宅 zhái 翟 家宅永安
勒 lè 乐 弥勒
辟 bì 必 虚耗辟除
横 hèng 恒(去)大横小横
谛 dì 帝 汝当谛听
衰 shuāi 帅 有五衰相现 不读"哀"
璎珞 yīngluò 英洛 宝贝璎珞布施供养
哺 bǔ 捕 或乳哺时 不读"浦"
盏 zhǎn 斩 以净水一盏
郑 zhèng 正 至心郑重
乖 guāi 怪(阴平)求者乖违 不读"乘"
忤 wǔ 午 或诸横事多来忤身 不读"许"
臾 yú 于 纵发善心须臾即退
疫 yì 役 六者疾疫不临
厄 è 遏 八者无盗贼厄 不读"危"
愍 mǐn 敏 饶慈愍心
宿 sù 素 宿命皆通
It is scary that the sudden power failure just now caused the failure to connect to internet with the reminder 'error 678'. I restarted the computer and the problem remains. According to my initial judge, it may due to the damage to the modem. The 'data' light seldom light. To my surprise, the connection revert to formal after a while.
Though I failed in the exam of enrollment for hillock teacher. I find comfort that one of my high school classmates succeeded in passing the exam. She is a very kind-hearted and honest girl. I remember once we had the high school area-wide student exam, even though everyone plagiarizes in the exam because liberal arts students have been taught little in science courses. It is ridiculous that the relative educational department almost give acquiescence in the students' cheating. My classmate is so honest that she stuck to do it by herself. I believe the children would benefit from the teaching of a real honest and kind teacher more than a teacher who is abundant in knowledge but inconsiderate to others.
I dreamt about some scene with my first French teacher in the college. In reality, she is a very kind-hearted teacher. In the dream, she deals some matter with another person perhaps about private enrollment of students to certain school…
I do not know why have been so dreamful these days, perhaps because of current situation of my waiting for employment and successive exam setbacks. What's more, I ate too much fried food which tend to cause yeet hay.
10 add-ons to make Evernote even more useful
Evernote makes it easy to create and access notes in the form of plain text, Web clippings, images, audio and even video – and then access them wherever you are via the Web or a variety of desktop and mobile apps.
It's insanely useful, and third-party developers have extended its functionality even further with a range of add-ons.
Here we take a look at ten of the best, including a couple of native Evernote features that you might have missed.
Transcribe your voice with Voice2Note by Dial2Do
Evernote allows you to record voice notes, although they're not easily searchable and audio isn't as flexible as text in terms of copying and pasting to other places. Voice2Note by Dial2Do converts audio notes into text to make them more easily searchable.
Simply connect your Evernote account up and the first 30 seconds of any audio note will be transcribed. You can even tag your notes by saying "Tag with:", followed by the names of your tags. The service has a small monthly or annual fee, or you can try a limited version for free.
Send photos straight from your camera with Eye-fi
Eye-fi is an incredibly useful gadget that fits into the SD card slot on your digital camera, turning it into a Wi-Fi enabled device.
Eye-fi's Evernote integration means that images can be sent straight from your camera as a picture note. Text recognition built into Evernote means that you can use this as a way to grab text from signs, menus, and other locations and then port them back to Evernote in a searchable, editable form. Sure, you could always use your mobile phone's camera to do this directly, but it's always handy to have the option of doing it with images from compact camera or Digital SLR too.
Save other people's tweets with Twipple
This iOS Twitter client with versions for the iPhone and iPad may not be the best known out there, but if you want to keep notes of tweets it may well be worth having to hand.
As well as acting as a normal Twitter client, its Evernote integration means that tweets can be saved to notebooks and tagged, allowing you to refer back to them long after Twitter's own search facility may have rendered them unfindable via native means.
Scan documents straight to Evernote
A number of scanner manufacturers now offer Evernote integration. Canon; Lexmark; Fujitsu; Doxie and Ricoh all offer the ability to send documents that you've scanned straight to your account in a searchable form. Viva the cloud!
Tweet straight to Evernote
Did you know that you could send notes straight from Twitter? It's dead simple too. Just Follow @myEN. It will follow you back and DM you a link allowing you to connect your Twitter account to Evernote.
Once you're set up, you can either send notes in public by including "@myEN" in the tweet, or simply send a DM to that account. Obviously your notes will have to be short, but if it's just a quick reminder to do something later, this could be an ideal way of ensuring that you don't forget. You could even use it as a way of remembering other people's tweets – just retweet them and add @myEN to the end.
Save handwritten notes, drawings and audio with Livescribe smartpens
These gadgets are, quite frankly, a genius idea. Livescribe smartpens keep a digital record of the things that you write and draw with them, and can even store audio too.
Evernote integration means that the things you've written and heard while using the pen can be sent and archived within your account. A similar product for the Japanese market, the Airpen, is also available.
Take notes with your finger, with FastFinga
If you don't have a Livescribe pen, FastFinga could be just what you need. This iOS app allows you to write by hand (well, by finger) onto your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad screen.
Once you've hooked up your Evernote account, you can send your notes straight through to your account where the service's handwriting recognition will transform it into searchable text that you can copy and paste to your heart's content. If you're not a fan of typing on virtual keyboards, this could be a solution worth trying.
Add puzzles, city guides and more to your account
Beyond just letting you view and store content that you've created or copied yourself, Evernote offers a range of free notebooks offering puzzles, short city guides, recipes and more.
While they aren't very long, they are free and they do show how flexible Evernote can be as a platform. As they can be accessed wherever you have your account, they provide a nice bit of free reading material when you're at a loose end. Could Evernote move into selling premium content in the future? It's certainly one direction the company could take.
Save articles to read later with ReadItLater
While it's easy to copy text from a website to read later in Evernote, ReadItLater makes it even easier.
The service's bookmarklet makes it simple to copy a beautifully reproduced version of a web page with the click of a button. ReadItLater's iOS app features an option to share any page you like to Evernote. This option is useful if you use both services and want to keep an archive of popular pages in Evernote's filing system of notebooks and 'stacks'.
Email notes straight to your account
You might not realise it, but one of the easiest ways of all to send content to your Evernote account is via email. You'll find the email address in your Account Settings.
You can even add notes to a specific notebook by putting @notebook in the subject line (where 'notebook is replaced by the name of your notebook) or tag your notes by adding #tag in the subject line (where 'tag' is replaced by the tag). Easy!
There is just 7 points I need to pass the enrollment exam of special hillock teacher. It is a little pity because I really want to be a teacher who teaches the children and help them grow up healthily and avoid detours in their growth. Children are really the future master of the world. See the current world, which is suffused with snobbish air. The human beings need improvements more in their heads than in their stomachs.
Success is not so difficult as you imagine
Not every things are difficult that we dare not do, but because we are not only difficult to do things.
In 1965, a South Korean students to Cambridge University, majoring in psychology. Drinking tea, he frequently visited the school cafeteria or cafe to listen to successful people to chat. These successful people, including Nobel Prize winners, a number of areas of academic authority and some of those who created the economic miracle, these people witty humor, ease and to see their success is very natural and logical. A long time, he found, in the country, he was deceived by a number of successful people. In order for those people who are entrepreneurs quit, generally difficult to exaggerate their own business, that is, their own success stories to frighten those who are not successful people. As a psychology student, he thinks it is necessary to the success of the Korean people's mentality to study.
In 1970, he "success is not so difficult as you imagine," as a thesis, submitted to the founder of modern economic psychology professor Willbraden . Professor Braden reading, greatly surprised, saying that this is a new discovery, although this phenomenon in the east even in the common parts of the world, but no one had boldly proposed and considered. Apart from surprise, he wrote to his Cambridge alumni was sitting first chair at South Korea's political arena, people Park Chung-hee. In his letter, said, "I can not say this book to you how much help, but I'm sure than you can shake any decree."
Later this book really accompanied by South Korea's economic take off. This book inspired many people, because they are from a new perspective tells us that success with the "labor of their bones, their body skin hunger", "Three lights before dawn chicken" and "the first cantilever, cone Cigu" not necessarily Contact. As long as you are a business interest in a long time to carry on will succeed, because God gives you enough time and wisdom to successfully finish your thing. Later, the youth also have been successful, he became the Pan-Korean auto industry, the company's president.
Many things in this world, as long as want, can do that to overcome the difficulties, it can overcome, what do not need an iron will, but do not need any skill or strategy. As long as a person but also simple life with interest, and he eventually found, the Creator of the arrangement of things, are a natural outgrowth.
Success is not so difficult as you imagine
1965 years, a South Korean students to Cambridge University, majoring in psychology. Drinking tea, he frequently traveled to the school coffee shop or cafe to listen to people who chat with some success. These successful people, including Nobel laureates,Jimmy Choo, a number of areas of academic authority and some of those who created the economic miracle,Jimmy Choo shoes, these people witty humor, ease and his own success has taken a very natural and logical. A long time, he found that in the mainland, he was deceived by some successful people. In order for those who are entrepreneurs who quit and start his own hardships generally exaggerated, that is, they use their own success stories to frighten those who are not successful people. As a psychology student, he considered that it is necessary for the success of South Korean people's mentality to study. In 1970, he "Success is not so difficult as you imagine" as a dissertation submitted to the founder of modern economic psychology Weir; Braden, Professor. Professor Braden reading, greatly surprised, in his view this is a new discovery, this phenomenon while in the east even in the common parts of the world, but had not yet put forward a *** gall to come and study. Apart from surprise, he wrote to his Cambridge alumni sitting in South Korean politics were the first people on the top spot Park Chung-hee. He said in the letter, "I would not say this book to you how much help, but I'm sure it than you can produce any of a decree of shock." Sure enough, the book was accompanied by South Korea's economic take-off of the . This book inspired many people, because they are from a new point of view tells us that success with the "labor of their bones, a hungry man whose body skin," "three-shift light just before dawn chicken" and "the first cantilever, cone Cigu" not necessarily contact. As long as you are a business interested in a long time, adhere to this will be successful,Manolo Blahnik shoes, because God gives you enough time and wisdom you have done one thing. Later, the young man also has been successful, he became South Korea's pan-industry, automobile company.
Yesterday I went outside with my mom for breathing the fresh air by bicycling. It is amazing that in such a small town there are so many newly building projects. People are vie with each other building their housing. I saw two building in construction flanks both sides of a road which not in the commercial center in the past. The city expanses with never-reached speed that the outskirts north of the city and south of the city are fast exploiting with no cool reasoning. The government takes no measurement to censor this trend, on the contrary, everyone expects to earn by real estate exploitation. More arable land are devoured by this terrible current. I am really worried about the situation that even the local government stems the tide with the desire to gain more local finance fund. The earning demand of all the society is over-stimulated. That diligent working of more than ten or twenty years cannot offer you a normal housing for yourself stimulate more people to dump their funds in real estate. Who cares what will be left for the future days. The arable land will be much fewer with so many cities around the country being enthusiastic in property exploitation. The resource is limited for us while the population is steadily increasing and the demands of people are expanding faster and faster with little concern to the environment or others. The unsteady economic situation stimulates more people to invest in house building with the fast-increasing CPI. The future lies in our own hands but it is certain that if we do something wrong in the past, we may pay for it in the future with no lucky escape.
I tried to install Leopard on my desktop last week with no result. I dreamed about seeing a television-like machine-very old fashioned in its appearance which has a leopard installed in it. I saw it in a turning of the road, in front of the shops. I deem this scene originates from the experience of my trip to X a few weeks ago.
I have just read Freud's The Interpretation of Dreams which is the first original English book on science. I have learned English for twelve years, I feel ashamed not being proficient in English. Besides my mother tongue, which I love so much, I wanna use English as my second language rather than as a foreign language. My learning should proceed on no matter whether I am busy or idle in daily life , I will keep read in English and fully make use of it to gain knowledge from the wide world.
It is a pity that I didn't pass the enrollment exam for special hillock teacher. It is time for me wonder what I can do. I am overconfident for a long time and ignored many facts that young people need real ability or artifice to establish themselves in society. Though I am object to the idea that young people can use long premeditated maneuver to establish themselves, I find no better solution to meet the expectation of my parents.
Microsoft OneNote
Microsoft OneNote
Microsoft OneNote ist eine Software von Microsoft, die den PC als eine Art Hightech-Notizblock nutzt. Microsoft wirbt damit, dass mit diesem Programmsystem elektronische Notizen gut geordnet und leicht wiedergefunden werden können.Embora muitos sistemas anteriores tenham se baseado em texto de fluxo linear (simples listas), OneNote visualiza as notas em uma página bidimensional. OneNote acrescenta também características modernas, tais como desenhos, fotos, áudio evídeo (multimídia), bem como compartilhamento multi-usuário de notas.
Der OneNote-Notizblock ist in Abschnitte mit Unterabschnitten gegliedert, die jeweils mehrere Seiten enthalten können. Innerhalb einer Seite können die Seitenelemente verschoben werden. Text kann nicht nur eingetippt, sondern mit einem Tablet-PC auch direkt auf den Bildschirm geschrieben werden. OneNote integriert sich in verschiedene Office-Programme von Microsoft, wodurch Notizen z. B. in Microsoft Word oder Kontaktinformationen in Microsoft Outlook leicht aus OneNote übernommen werden können.
Notizen können dabei untereinander verknüpft werden. Durch Copy & Paste können Inhalte schnell eingefügt werden. Kopierte Inhalte werden dabei automatisch mit ihrer Herkunft verlinkt. So werden z. B. eingefügte Textabschnitte aus Webseiten automatisch mit einem Link versehen. In OneNote können Bilder, Videodateien und Texte abgelegt werden. Durch die integrierte Text- und Spracherkennung können Texte in eingefügten Bildern (z. B. von Screenshots) und Sprachdateien (Diktate) nach Stichwörtern durchsucht werden.
Ein Vorteil von OneNote ist, dass das Notizbuch auf File- oder Webservern abgelegt werden kann. Dies ermöglicht, dass man sein Notizbuch auch von anderen Standorten (Firma/Heimarbeitsplatz) verwenden kann oder Drittpersonen daran mitarbeiten können. Der gleichzeitige Zugriff ist bis auf Unterabschnitte möglich. Die Anlage in einer Microsoft-SharePoint-Dokumentenbibliothek ist ebenfalls möglich.
Microsoft Office OneNote, o simplemente OneNote, es un producto de software desarrollado por Microsoft para facilitar la toma de notas, la recopilación de información, y la colaboración multiusuario. OneNote permite colocar notas en páginas de dos dimensiones y ofrece la posibilidad de agregar dibujos, diagramas, fotografías, elementosmultimedia, audio, vídeo, e imágenes escaneadas. También permite crear una impresora virtual a fin de enviar archivos o documentos desde otros programas. Ofrece además el intercambio de notas a través del uso compartido de archivos o WebDAV. El producto fue lanzado en 2003 e incialmente no estaba incluido en Microsoft Office.Seit Januar 2011 ist von Microsoft eine Apple-iPhone-App über den iTunes-App-Store für einen begrenzten Zeitraum zum kostenlosen Download erhältlich. Damit ist auch die Synchronisation von Notizen auf einem Windows-PC, einem Smartphone mit Windows Phone 7 oder anderen iPhones über SkyDrive-Konten möglich.
Aunque OneNote es más comúnmente utilizado en portátiles o PCs de escritorio, tiene características adicionales que permiten usarlo en unaTablet PC por medio de un estilete que en algunos entornos son más apropiadas que los teclados. La versión actual es Microsoft Office OneNote 2007. A finales de 2009, Microsoft lanzó la versión beta de Microsoft OneNote 2010. A diferencia de las principales aplicaciones de Office 2007, Microsoft OneNote 2007 no cuentan con la interfaz de cinta de opciones oRibbon. Sin embargo la cinta se usa en Microsoft OneNote 2010.
OneNote está diseñado para recoger, organizar y compartir materiales sin diseño, por lo general para proyectos, mientras que los procesadores de texto y wikis suelen dirigirse a la publicación de contenido. La diferencia se muestra en algunas funciones y características (por ejemplo, las páginas pueden ser tan grandes como uno desee, las imágenes de mapa de bits se pueden insertar sin pérdida de calidad, no permite la aplicación de un diseño de página uniforme, etcétera). El formato de archivo de OneNote (.one) es propietario.
Una de las innovaciones de OneNote es la integración de funciones de búsqueda e indexación dentro de los gráficos. OneNote puede buscar dentro del texto incrustado en imágenes (capturas de pantalla, documentos escaneados, o fotografías). También puede buscar texto en las anotaciones manuscritas. Se puede buscar incluso dentro de una grabación de audio.
Su capacidad multi-usuario permite editar una nota sin conexión y sincronizarla posteriormente. Esto la convierte en una herramienta adecuada para los grupos de trabajo cuyos miembros no siempre estan en línea. OneNote se ha diseñado como una herramienta de colaboración y permite que más de una persona trabaje una página al mismo tiempo.
Aunque se diseño originalmente para ser usada en una computadora táctil para tomar notas manuscritas muchas personas la utilizan como una herramienta general para tomar notas en cualquier situación. Es muy utilizada en el campo de la educación para tomar apuntes en clase.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Microsoft OneNote (formerly called Microsoft Office OneNote) is acomputer program for free-form information gathering and multi-user collaboration. It can gather user's notes (handwritten or typed), drawings, and audio commentaries and share them with other users of Microsoft OneNote over the Internet. The desktop version of OneNote is available for the Microsoft Windows platform.
OneNote is a basic word processor: Users can enter typed text in it via keyboard, create tables and insert pictures. However, unlike a word processor, users can simply write anywhere on a virtually-unbound document window by just clicking there. Also users do not need to explicitly issue a save order; OneNote saves data automatically as it is entered.
Information in Microsoft OneNote are saved in Pages, which are organized into Notebooks. OneNote's interface is an electronic version of the familiar tabbed ring binder which can be used directly for making notes, but also to gather material obtained from other applications. OneNote notebooks are designed for collecting, organizing and sharing possibly unpolished materials, while word processors and wikis are usually targeted at publishing in some way. The difference shows in certain features and characteristics: Pages can be arbitrarily large; bitmap images can be pasted in without quality loss; there is no support for enforcing a uniform page layout or structure. Pages can be moved inside the binder, annotated with a stylus, word-processing or drawing tools. Users may add embedded multimedia recordings and web links. OneNote's file format (.one) isproprietary. The published API has resulted in a small number of extensions being written.
While OneNote is most commonly used on laptops or desktop PCs, it has additional features for use on pen-enabled Tablet PCs, in environments where pen, audio or video notes are more appropriate than an intensive use of keyboard.
OneNote provides integration of search features and indexing into a free-form graphics and audio repository. Images (e.g., screen captures, embedded document scans, or photographs) can be searched for embedded text content. Electronic ink annotations can also be searched as text. Audio recordings can also be searched phonetically by giving a text key, and can be replayed concurrently with the notes taken during the recording.
Its multi-user capability allows offline editing and later synchronizationand merging at the paragraph level. This makes it a tool for workgroupsthat collaborate on research whose members are not always online. OneNote is designed as a collaborative tool and allows more than one person to work on the same page at the same time, making it a sharedwhiteboard tool as well.
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World GDP Chart
- World GDP Chart (since 1960)
- Australian Bureau of Statistics Manual on GDP measurement
- GDP-indexed bonds
- GDP scaled maps
- Euro area GDP growth rate (since 1996) as compared to the Bank Rate (since 2000)
- World Development Indicators (WDI)
- Economist Country Briefings
- UN Statistical Databases
- Is Life Getting Better : What is GDP? Pamphlet describing the basic idea of GDP, from OECD's Measuring Progress project.
- Thermal Maps of the World Nominal GDP in US$ purchasing power parity from the EIU 2007-2010
- Bureau of Economic Analysis: Official United States GDP data
- Graphs of Historical Real U.S. GDP
- Links to historical statistics on GDP for different countries and regions
- Historical US GDP (yearly data), 1790–present
- Historical US GDP (quarterly data), 1947–present
- OECD Statistics
- Google - public data: GDP and Personal Income of the U.S. (annual): Nominal Gross Domestic Product
overtake Germany in 2025 and Japan in 2039, PwC projects. Meanwhile, Mexico’s economy – the second- largest in Latin America – is set to pass that of Italy in 2019, France in 2028 and Germany in 2039, PwC says.
Latin Business Chronicle – Latin American Business News and Intelligence
Brazil's economy will become larger than the economies of France, the UK and Germany the next 14 years, PwC predicts.
It will also overtake
By 2050,
PwC also developed projections using another methodology – market exchange rates (MERs), which it points out does not correct for price differences across economies but may be more relevant for practical business purposes. "
Using that methodology,
Measured by
The projections foresee an average annual
© Copyright Latin Business Chronicle
德语口语 打招呼和问候
德语语法 介词练习】
昔我往矣 杨柳依依 When we set out, the willows were drooping with spring, 今我来思 雨雪霏霏 We come back in the snow, 行道迟迟 载渴载饥 We go slowly, we are hungry and thirsty, 我心伤悲 莫知我哀 Our mind is full of sorrow, who will know of our grief?
Free Linux Biology Tools
8 of the Best Free Linux Biology Tools
Biology is a natural science concerned with the study of living things, ranging from microscopic organisms up to the largest known animal, the blue whale. It is divided into many specialized fields including evolution, ecology, zoology, botany, genetics, microbiology and molecular biology. This science examines function, structure, origin, growth, evolution, distribution and taxonomy.
Biology is extremely relevant to our daily lives, as it helps us to understand how living things work, including the human body. Furthermore, the study of biology is crucial in the development of new food products, to protect the environmental quality of our world, and improving human health e.g. through the discovery of new medical treatments and tests for diseases.
Modern biology is founded on four main components: cell theory, evolution, gene theory, and homeostasis. Schools recognise the importance of biology to society, regarding it as one of the three most important branches of sciences, alongside physics and chemistry. We recently covered the best open source Linux software available for these disciplines in the following articles:Physics, Chemistry.
Biology is at the cutting edge of scientific research and development. In the past 40 years, biology has advanced enormously revealing a wealth of information about the millions of different organisms inhabitating our planet, including, of course, ourselves. Biology continues to grab the headlines with much excitement being generated in the fields of synthetic biology (combining science and engineering) and genomics (the study of the genomes of organisms).
There is a good range of open source biology software available for Linux. This article focuses on selecting our favorite tools which are extremely useful for biologists. We hope this feature offers a useful resource for biologists and students alike. With the diverse range of software, there should be something of interest here for all budding biologists.
So, let's explore the 8 biology tools at hand. For each application we have compiled its own portal page, providing a screenshot of the software in action, a full description with an in-depth analysis of its features, together with links to relevant resources and reviews.
Biology Tools | |
EMBOSS | The European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite |
NAMD | Parallel, object-oriented molecular dynamics |
GROMACS | Molecular dynamics simulator, with building and analysis tools |
TreeView X | Displays and prints phylogenetic trees |
VMD | Displays, animates, and analyzes large biomolecular systems |
MUSCLE | MUltiple Sequence Comparison by Log-Expectation |
TREE-PUZZLE | Reconstruction of phylogenetic trees by maximum likelihood |
simuPOP | Forward-time population genetics simulation environment |
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